If you’re planning to attend the AUA (American Urological Association) 2013 Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA and would like to meet with a MedSpark representative to discuss your new medical device idea please contact us as soon as possible to arrange a meeting:
1-888-MedSpark (888-633-7727) or service@MedSpark.ms or
use the contact form located on each of the sub-pages of our website.
Visit the official 2013 AUA Meeting website for more information: http://www.aua2013.org
For more than a century, the AUA has stood at the forefront in developing innovative, evidence-based quality education for urologists and urologic health care professionals worldwide. Through the Annual Meeting—and other year-round educational offerings—the AUA sets the highest standards for urology education worldwide.
Now in its 108th year, the AUA Annual Meeting is the largest gathering of urologists in the world, providing unparalleled access to groundbreaking research, new guidelines and the latest advances in urologic medicine. This year’s Meeting offers more educational opportunities than ever before, including:
* Plenary programming featuring today’s leaders in urology focusing on late-breaking news, new AUA clinical guidelines and the latest advances in urologic medicine
* Nine hours of live surgery programming
* More than 100 courses, including hands-on and robotic courses
* A full day of programs devoted to urologic research on Friday, May 3
* More than 2,000 presentations in urologic medicine
* A free, full-day program for Allied healthcare professionals—Best Practices in Urologic Care for the Allied Health Team
* And much, much more!